2023 O’Connor Insurance Scholarship Awarded
Employee Spotlight: Mary Perkins
A valued employee since 1994, Mary Perkins, Senior Personal Account Manager, steps into the Employee Spotlight!
How did you get into the insurance industry?
I was looking for a different job and a family member who was in the insurance industry gave me a lead for a job at a major insurance company. I applied and got the job. Now many years later, here I am – still in the business!
(Special Note: Mary has been the only Personal Account Manager for many of our clients for years. She has become a trusted friend as well and some check in with her on a regular basis to just say ‘hello’ as good friends do.)
What is some advice you give your clients?
I realize the premium clients pay is very important to them. However, I recommend to clients to plan carefully by purchasing the proper coverage to meet their needs even if the premium is a little higher. In the event of a claim, they will appreciate having the proper coverage to cover the loss instead of the regret of not having the right coverage.
What’s something you do outside of work that would surprise your co-workers or clients?
I enjoy going out and traveling with friends. Also, I really enjoy spending time with my grandchildren and try to attend all of their sporting events.